Wednesday, December 20, 2006


What i learnt during first semester:

-- To actually study for my exams.

-- No matter how late you wake up, and even if it somehow takes you forever to get yourself to college, you can still be 'early' for Human Communications lessons.

-- People in college are even more/just as immature as people I knew in high school.

-- People discriminate. A lot.

-- Sitting in the front bench can make you sleepier than sitting at the back.

-- People actually care about what other people think.

-- The walk through KC smells prettier in the mornings and evenings than the afternoons.

-- We have to get our own paper to print in the computer labs.

-- Environmental science should be banned.

-- Girls are totally messed up. Boys are a little less messed up.

-- The value of fines.

-- People think it's cute to correct my pronounciations, but get offended if I correct theirs.

-- The library isn't very impressive.

-- Sleep is the most wonderfullest thing ever.

-- Shoulders are the most important part of the body.

-- Working in a group isn't what you expect it to be.

-- If you lend a pen to someone here, don't expect it back. This applies to any piece of stationery actually.

-- Coffee still saves.

-- Girls here use abbreviations a lot. Eg- LS, ST, MCP

-- Don't worry. Just smile. Or hug.